Sunday, December 19, 2010

Reading Assignment for The Remainder of 2010

December 19th - 25th December 26th-January 1st
Revelation 13 - 17 Revelation 18 - 22
Luke 1-2 (For Christmas) Psalm 139 (For New Years Day)

As you can see, we have a bit of a change for the last two weeks of this year. The assignments are shorter for two reasons. First of all it will provide a shorter assignment in deference to the busyness of the season while allowing those who may have fallen behind to catch up a bit. Secondly, it will allow us to make a good start of 2011 by starting with Proverbs 1, Matthew 1, and our assignment in the Old Testament will back up a few chapters as we will start again in I Samuel 1. Now if you have already done the reading for the first few chapters of I Samuel, great! You have a head start, but starting at the beginning of these books will be better for those who may just now be joining us in 2011.

I hope that our journey through the Bible this year has been an encouragement and a blessing to you and that you will continue to read along together in the year to come. I would welcome your comments and posts over these next two weeks to share about how reading God's word together has blessed you this year, and I would like to encourage you to invite others to join us in the year to come! May the Lord bless you richly, as you continue to read and heed His word in the coming year!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reading Assignment for December 12th - 18th

Psalms 144-150
I Samuel 11-15
Revelation 8-12
May the Lord richly bless you as you read His word this week!
May this Christmas season find you reflecting on the blessedness of knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reading Assignment for December 5th - 11th

Psalms 137-143
I Samuel 6-10
Revelation 3-7

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you as you read and heed His word this week!