Monday, December 14, 2009

" newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby..." I Peter 2:2
Welcome to "Read and Heed the Word" my first venture into the blogosphere! I am still not quite certain how all this is done so please forgive me if these early efforts are a little rough around the edges!
As we begin, I would like to invite you to join me this year in an exciting Bible reading program that is designed to give us a balanced diet of the word and to encourage us to interact with one another and with the Lord as we spend regular devotional and reading time in the Word of God. As you read remember the exhortation of James 1:22 which says, " doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." Hence the name of our Blog, "Read and Heed the Word". This year our goal is going to be to not only read God's word, but also to be transformed by it. So join me! And let's see what the Lord will do in our hearts and lives as we seek to know Him better through His word!
Our reading plan begins on Sunday, January 3rd, 2010 and is devided into three parts:
Part 1. This first part is very devotional in nature. It is very important to spend some time each day, 7 days a week, with the Lord in prayer and meditation. By meditation I simply mean quiet reflection upon God's word, and by prayer I mean, talking and listening to God. It is best to do this at a regular time each day, perhaps in the morning before your day gets underway, or for some their lunch hour might be a better time. Whenever you do it, make sure that you do it. You can start your devotional time with a short prayer asking God's blessing upon the reading of His word and giving thanks for all that He wants to speak to you that day. Then read one chapter from the following books: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Start with Psalm 1 and read one per day during your "Devo" as I like to call it, and keep going with one more each day until you finish Song of Solomon. After you have read your chapter, continue in prayer using the chapter you have just read as a springboard into prayer and worship during this special time with the Lord. If you do this you will have read through these "Poetic" books twice in the span of one year. I think you will be richly blessed in this and your prayer time will be enriched with the beautiful praises and wisdom of God's word.
Part 2 is your Old Testament reading. This can be done at the same time as your Devo, or it can be done at any other convienient time during the day. Read 1 chapter from the Old Testament each day, five days a week, Monday - Friday. Start in Genesis Chapter 1 and work your way all the way through Malachi, skipping the Poetic books as you will have already read these during your "Devo" time. If you do this you will have read all the way through the Old Testament in the span of two years.
Part 3, like part 2 is to be done Monday through Friday. This is your reading of the New Testament. Here you have a choice to make. Starting in Matthew Chapter 1 read either 1 or 2 chapters per day and work your way through to the end of Revelations. If you read one chapter per day you will make your way through the New Testament once this year. If you read two chapters per day you will have read it twice.
To sum up the plan, Monday through Friday you will read one chapter in the poetic books during your "Devo" time, 1 chapter of the Old Testament, and 1 or 2 chapters of the New Testament. That means that Monday - Friday you will be reading 3 or 4 chapters of your Bible. On the weekend, you will read only 1 chapter per day during your Devo time. However, if you did not keep up with your Old and New Testament reading during the week you can use the weekend to catch up!
One or two last things before I close today. First, don't get discouraged, even if you fall behind, just pick up that Bible and try again. It isn't nearly as important that you keep up as it is that you keep trying. Keep reading your Bible and spending time in prayer and trust God to bring the Spiritual growth in your life. Lastly, I really recomend that you use a journal or notebook of some kind to write down your observations as you go. Feel free to use this blog site to share your thoughts and insights as we go. I hope that you are looking forward to this as much as I am! May the Lord bless you as we read His word together!


  1. I am excited to beginning the new year with Read and Heed the Word. It will be exciting to see what the Lord will do when His people read His Word and allow it to work in their lives. This is an opportunity to study the Word together and help each other read the Word through out the year. Let's give thanks in advance to what the Lord will do through the power of His Word.

  2. I too am excited to begin again, to start fresh in my daily devos. I receive them from Harvest Ministries, Greg Laurie, but now, this will help me to stay in the word morning, noon and night. Thank you for your suggestion.

  3. Anyone see the presence of the Trinity in Mat 1 and Gen 1 ?

  4. Yes, I haven't read Matthew yet, that is for this evening. But in Genisis when God spoke of making Adam and Eve..he said Let Us make man in OUR image. Meaning there were more than one present when God was creating all things.

  5. Add to that - God created / Spirit moving over the face of the deep

  6. Unfortunately I didn't see the Trinity when I was reading Mat..I guess the lineal bogged my seeing it.

  7. Oops!!..I meant to say the lineage. All the generations being listed distracted me and I didn't see the references to the Trinity.

  8. Vs 20 Holy Spirit
    Vs 21 Son
    Vs 22 Lord - meaning the Father
    Vs 23 mentions God as well (God w/ us)

  9. What Christmas myth is dispelled in Mathew 2:11?

  10. That the wise men were at the manger. They really came to His house.

  11. Ding...ding...ding....correct! And we learn in the next few verses that Jesus may have been as much as two years old at the time.

  12. I found that out when I was young and got very mad at all the adults because I felt like I was lied to for so many years. Even now I want to go rearrange everyones' nativity scene.

  13. ...And there wasn't a little drummer boy either...and they were wise men...not "three Kings of Orient" etc. But I do still like those songs....

  14. Here are two points from todays reading:

    compare Gen 3:4 with Isaiah 14:14 and tell me what satan's fasination is?

    Did you see the presence of the Trinity in Mat 3?

  15. Satan is a liar and deceiver and desires to be like God. He is a legend in his own mind.

  16. sadly their is a group of people out there that have bought his lie - they believe they will become a God of their own solar system when they leave this earth. Yet, God plainly states in His Word , the Bible,(repeatedly) that there is no other God. There were none before Him and there will be none after Him [Deut 4:35,39 ; Deut 32:39-40; Isah 43:10-11 Isah 44:6; Hosea 13:4]

  17. Matthew 5 identifies one biblical reason that permits divorce. What is that reason? There is one other biblical reason for divorce. What is it and where is it found in the bible?

  18. 1 COR 7 is the reference your looking for?

  19. Correct! An unbeliever may leave a relationship, but a believer is to honor the vows that they took. The believer in the relationship is to reflect Jesus in an unequally yoked relationship. By so doing the unbeliever may be led to Christ. The children are said to be holy (set apart) because they have one believing parent to guide them to a relationship with our Lord.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Todays readings were very comforting and easy to understand what I was reading. It doesn't happen very often that I really comprehend the message that is being given in scripture. I thank God that he allowed that for me today.
