Monday, January 11, 2010

"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD."

This week's reading from the Old Testament takes us through the life of Noah, a man who found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Noah's generation was very wicked, verse 5 of chapter 6 tells us that "...the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." This resulted in a world that was filled with violence and evil imaginations. Does this scenario sound familiar? How like our world today! In the midst of this wicked generation the LORD found a man who's heart was right toward Him, a man who would do "...according to all that the LORD commanded him." Genesis 7:5. Are you willing to become such a man or woman in your generation? I pray that you are!


  1. In the reading for today, Mat 7, I find vs 15 & 16 very assuring. The thing about false prophets is they don't look like wolves, they try and look like sheep. When dealing with them, you can't look at the outward appearance, and we can't know their heart, all that is left is their fruit. Grapes don't grow on a thorn bush. Lasting fruit does not come from thorns and thistles. You shall know them by their fruit. And once you ID the fruit, it is easy to take actions.

  2. Psalm 11 - ah that we would take refuge in the Lord !

  3. Note that Noah was a gentile as there were no Jews at that time. What food restrictions were placed on him, a gentile? GEN 9:3-4

  4. Psalm 14:7 testifies of the restoration of Israel - anyone that says Israel won't be restored probably doesn't read much of the OT

  5. In Mat 11:13 Jesus said, "for all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John" meaning John the baptist in context.

    What does this have to do with people like Joseph Smith?
    Or does it have anything to do with them?
