Saturday, January 9, 2010

Time to catch up!!!!!! If your reading program is still in park it is time to bump up the rpm's! Now is your chance to make up any reading that you may have missed this past week. Today your reading assignment is Psalm 7. That's it! Tomorrow your reading assignment is Psalm 8, and if you are at church on time I will read that one for you! It couldn't get much easier than that could it? So here is your chance to make up any reading you have fallen behind on. At this point you should have read Matthew chapters 1-5 and Genesis Chapters 1-5. Take some time today to make up any chapters you have not read so that you don't fall any further behind. I hope that you have enjoyed this last week of Bible reading as much as I have! Remember to tell your friends and family members about the reading program and about the blog site. It isn't too lat for them to join in on this wonderful blessing of reading God's word together! Amen? Amen!


  1. Ah that we would heed Psalm 9:10!!!!!!

  2. Trusting in the Lord is something I have to remind myself daily when the troubles of the world come around me.

    9:1 is pretty powerful. We should ask ourselves everyday "Do I praise you with my whole heart?" and "Do I tell of your marvelous works?". Honestly, I could say no to those questions some days and that breaks my heart.

    It amazes me that God still loves people like me. :)

  3. Matthew 6:25-34 today really grabs my attention. Three times in these verses Jesus commands us, "do not worry". I am persuaded that worry is evidence of faithlessness! Jesus tells us in this chapter that our Heavenly Father knows what we have need of and we can trust Him to provide. I love verse 33, " first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you..." What a wonderful promise to think about as we head into this new week!
