Thursday, December 29, 2011

Greetings all,

Well, I for one, got blown away in December! Finals, reports, a family wedding and the holidays to boot and I'll confess I found myself sinking fast. Needless to say I never posted a reading plan for December. So here we are at the end of the year, just days left and 2011 will be in the history books with 2012 a present reality!

If you haven't done so already, now is the time to start thinking about next years reading program! I really want to encourage you to be systematic in your handling of this plan. Reading the Bible is one of the most important things that we can do as believers to continue growing in Christ. In fact, in John 8:31 Jesus says to those who believed in Him, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed" (KJV). So let's not be haphazard in our reading of God's word, but let us be diligent in our study. It is tempting to be sure to focus only on our favorite books or passages, or perhaps to read randomly as we find opportunity or occasion, but this approach will lead to a very unbalanced diet. Be sure to partake regularly of all the different parts of the word, Old and New Testaments alike. Histories, poetry, epistles and prophecy should all have their place at our table. Let's feed on the richness of God's word this year!

So what about this site? What are we going to do here at Read and Heed The Word? The approach this year is going to be a little different than in the past. Rather than posting weekly reading assignments I am going to encourage that you find your own reading program. These are abundantly available! You can find them on line of course, but you can also find them in the backs of many Bible's, in Bible study software programs, or more recently even in smart phone aps! So decide how slowly or quickly you want to read through the word and get at it! But remember to not only read, but also to heed the words that you are reading.

In addition to encouraging you to find your own reading program we are also going to focus on a book of the month. Each month of this year, I will select a different book of the Bible for us to focus on together. Work this book into your own reading plan and then come onto this site to make comments about your reading. Questions will be posted for discussion. This year, I'm hoping that we can have a lot more interaction over the reading that we do. Look for more information on this in the coming days!

In the mean time, have a happy and blessed New Year! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Blessings all,

Read and Heed The Word!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reading Assignments for the Rest of November

November 6th-12th:
Philemon 1
Hebrews 1-4
Job 18-29

November 13th-19th
Hebrews 5-9
Job 30-42

November 20th-26th
Hebrews 10-13
Isaiah 1-12

November 27th-December 3rd
James 1-5
Isaiah 13-24

The assignments listed above will take us through the month of November. At this point it is time to begin thinking about future reading programs for the coming year. We will continue with our weekly assignments until we finish the New Testament and then focus on finishing out the Old Testament. Unfortunately we won't make it all the way through by the end of they year, but it will be close! I suggest finishing up whatever is left in January while beginning your own individual program.

Once we have finished this course of reading we will be making some changes to the blog in both its appearance and use. I want to encourage you to keep reading and keep heeding the Word as we finish this journey together and look into the future.

Blessings all, and have a Happy Thanksgiving,

Read and Heed The Word!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Reading Assignment for October 16th - 22nd

Nehemiah 9-13
Esther 1-5
I Thessalonians 1-5

Oops! Apparently I added a few extra chapters to the end of Colossians last week! Sorry about the error! Happy Reading!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Reading Assignment for October 9th-15th

Song of Solomon 3-8
Philippians 4 and Colossians 3-7
Nehemiah 4-8

This week will will finish Song of Solomon and rather than restart this section again in Psalms, the balance of our time in future assignments will be focused on the completion of the balance of the Old and New Testaments by the end of the year.

May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Reading Assignment for October 2nd-8th

Ecclesiastes 10-12 and Song of Solomon 1-2
Ephesians 5-6 and Philippians 1-3
Ezra 9-10, and Nehemiah 1-3

May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reading Assignment for September 25th-October 1st

Ecclesiastes 3-9
Ezra 4-8
Galatians 6 and Ephesians 1-4

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." (KJV). Right now I'd say it's time that we spend some time reading the Word! May the LORD bless you richly as you read and heed His Word this week!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reading Assignment for September 18th-24th

Proverbs 27-31
Ecclesiastes 1-2
II Chronicles 35-36
Ezra 1-3
Galatians 1-5

Greetings all, I know that the reading assignment seems like an odd mix this week, but rest assured it is the same number of chapters as usual, just spread over a few more books. May the Lord bless you all as you read and heed His word this week!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Reading Assignment for August 28th - September 3rd

Proverbs 13-19
II Chronicles 25-29
II Corinthians 6-10

May the Lord bless you as you read His word this week!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reading Assignment for August 7th-13th

Psalm 142-148
II Chronicles 10-14
I Corinthians 7-11

Last week found me out of state and away from my computer. No reading assignment was posted for last week, so we will pick up where we left off. If you continued to read on pace, then good for you! For others perhaps this was a chance to catch up. May the Lord bless you as you continue to seek Him in His word!



Sunday, July 24, 2011

Reading Assignment for July 24th-July 30th.

Psalms 135-141
II Chronicles 5-9
I Corinthians 2-6

Excerpt taken from OUR DAILY HOMILY by F. B. Meyer

"His mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 136:26

"TWENTY-SIX times in this Psalm we are told that God's mercy endureth for ever. The psalmist had been reviewing the history of the past. As far back as the Creation his eye had traveled, and all through the stormy, troublous days he could detect the silver thread of mercy. Oh that we had his eyes to see always the love of God! Amid the murky gloom of chaos there is a silver gleam; it is his mercy. When sun and moon appear, there is a brighter light than theirs; it is his mercy. Above the roar of the Red Sea and the rattle of the thunder-storms, are the flute-like notes of his mercy. Through all the strife and horror of the conquest of Canaan there glides the white-robed angel of his mercy. Deeper than the darkest shades of sin, higher than the highest floods of transgression, is the love of God, in the hand of which the round world and all its inhabitants lie, as a drop on the palm. Look back on your life, and say whether you cannot see the thread of mercy linking all its beads.

"A debtor to mercy alone,
Of covenant mercy we sing."

And do you suppose that such mercy is going to fail you? It endureth for ever! You fret and chafe like a restless little child; but you cannot fall out of the arms of God's mercy. Lie still, it canopies you like a mother's face; it breathes about you as a mother's embrace. O love that will not let us go! O mercy that hath neither beginning nor end! O God, who hast loved, who lovest, and who wilt love, when the sun is no more, and the things that are now shall have passed away as a dream! O grace of God, exceeding in thy abundance the highest mountains of our sin!"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reading Assignment for July 10th - July 16th

Psalms 121-127
I Chronicles 24-28
Romans 8-12

Greetings all,

As you may have noticed there was no reading assignment posted last week. I had the privilege of spending most of last week at youth camp with some precious brothers and sisters in Christ. Unfortunately there was no internet access and I had forgotten to update the reading assignment before I left. So, we'll pick up where we left off. If you were a bit behind perhaps this gave you a chance to catch up a bit.

Blessings all,


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reading Assignment for June 26th-July 2nd

Psalms 114-120
I Chronicles 19-23
Romans 3-7

May the Lord bless you as you read His word this week!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Reading Assignment for June 19th-25th

Psalms 107-113
I Chronicles 14-18
Acts 26-28
Romans 1-2

In Romans 1:16 Paul declares, "...I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes..." What glorious words are recorded here! Paul is not ashamed, and what is there to be ashamed of? So many these days hold the faith in contempt, and those who profess it. We have nothing to be ashamed of but our sin, and the gospel should arouse in us, not shame but glorious thanksgiving, for this gospel is the power of God revealed for the purpose of securing our salvation!

Salvation from what? Salvation from the penalty, power, and presence of sin! Death was our due, but it was paid in full upon the cross! Bondage to sin was our lot, but he whom the Son has made free is free in deed! And though we still abide with this body of death the day is coming when we will see Him, and when we see Him we will be like Him! In that day sin will be banished as we stand in His glorious presence!

To whom is this offer of Salvation made? To any and all who believe! Will you believe today? Will you be freed from the penalty, power, and presence of sin? Will you stand unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ? It is the power of God, the glorious power of God, unto salvation!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reading Assignment for May 8th - 14th

Psalms 65-71
II Kings 9-13
John 18-21

Only four chapters in John will finish out that book this week. We'll save Acts for next week.
I hope and pray you all had a blessed Mother's Day with your loved ones!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reading Assignment for May 1st - 7th

Psalms 58-64
II Kings 4-8
John 13-17

The following is an excerpt from Our Daily Homily, by F. B. Meyer

"If ye abide in my word." John 8:31 (R.V.)

1. WE SHALL BE APPROVED AS CHRIST'S DISCIPLES. "Then are ye truly my disciples." Of some the Master asks, "Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" And He drives these from Him, saying, "I never knew you." His words are the supreme test- the fire which detects the ore; the winnowing fan that finds out the wheat. Our treatment of our Lord's words discriminates us: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, is he that loveth Me.

2. WE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH. God teaches us differently from men. They deal in per-adventures and surmises; He with certainties- "Ye shall know the truth." They talk about the truth; He gives us the thing itself, and we know because we possess. They deal with circumstances and externals; He with the heart and root of matters. They give to the mind and soul; He to the spirit. We know the truth, because the Truth is in us, and we are in the Truth. "We know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true.

3. WE SHALL BE FREE. "The truth shall make you free." Just as we are free from the terrors which belief in witchcraft and ghosts was wont to breed, because we know that the spirits of the dead do not haunt dark and dangerous places; just as we no longer fear the fatuous light over the marsh, or the death-tick, because science has attributed these to natural causes; so, as Jesus teaches us the truth about God, and the future, and the forgiveness of sins, and the broken power of Satan, and the impotence of death, we are delivered from the bondage of fear and walk with God in perfect peace.

Meyer, F. B. Our Daily Homily. Westwood, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1966. Print. page 397.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Reading Assignment April 24-30th

Psalms 51-57
I Kings 21-22, II Kings 1-3
John 8-12

As the sun sets on another Resurrection Sunday, may we say with David, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit." Psalms 51:10-12 (KJV). It is my hope and prayer that each of you experienced the wonderful blessings of God's love and Spirit this day, and that you continue to enjoy His wonderful presence in the days to come.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reading Assignment for April 17th-23rd

Psalms 44-50
I Kings 16-20
John 3-7

Well, I'm sorry to say that I was out of the loop last week and was unable to post the reading assignment. As such, we'll count it as a catch up week and pick up where we left off. If you anticipated the assignment and read ahead on your own, good for you! For the rest, perhaps this is just the chance you needed to catch up. Either way, may God bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reading Assignment for March 27th - April 2nd

Psalms 30-36
I Kings 6-10
Luke 17-21

May the Lord richly bless you as you read His word this week!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reading Assignment for March 20th - 26th

Psalms 23-29
I Kings 1-5
Luke 12-16

"The Lord is my shepherd..." To whom does the Psalmist refer? To The Lord! The ruler and creator of all that is! The ONE who spoke the worlds into existence, the ONE who knew us before ever we were! THE LORD, there is no other. The Lord IS! The Psalmist says not only that the Lord was, but that the Lord IS! He is ever present, ever existent. The Lord is MY... There is a personal relationship that we enter into with Him in which we are His and He is ours. The Lord is my SHEPHERD! The One who cares for us, protects us, provides for us, loves us! He is the One who laid down His life for us! The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. What more could I possibly need?

May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Reading Assignment for March 13th-19th

Psalms 16-22
II Samuel 20-24
Luke 7-11

The Following Excerpt is taken from page 199 of Our Daily Homily by F. B. Meyer

Cleanse Thou me from secret faults. Psalm 19:12

"It is not likely that we shall be kept from the great transgression unless we are preserved from presumptuous sins; and these in turn will befall us unless we have been cleansed from hidden faults. Just as the germ of disease taken into the system will presently reveal itself in an outburst of malignant fever, so hidden faults flower out into presumptuous sins, and these into great transgression. "Then lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin; and the sin, when it is full-grown bringeth forth death."

First, we need forgiveness for secret sins. The Jewish law made large provisions for sins of ignorance. A man might unawares walk across a grave, or touch some article of furniture which was ceremonially unclean, and so become defiled. Even though unconscious of actual transgression, he would find his communion with God broken. Thus, after the holiest day we have ever spent we need to ask for cleansing in the precious blood, for sins which God has discerned, but which in the twilight of our ignorance, and because we compared ourselves with those beneath us in spiritual attainment, have escaped notice.

Next, we need deliverance from the love and power of sin, in lower depths than we have ever realized. We desire to pass muster at the bar, not only of our neighbors and ourselves, but of God. Wee desire that the Spirit should antagonize the flesh in depths below the reach of the plumb-line of our consciousness. We desire the inner purity of heart. But this is peculiarly God's prerogative. It is his work to cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of His Holy Spirit. "Cleanse THOU me."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reading Assignment for March 6th-12th

Psalms 9-15
II Samuel 15-19
Luke 2-6

Sorry about the delay in posting this. I had a very busy/productive weekend and didn't get a chance to post the assignment until this morning. Have a blessed week!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Reading Assignment for February 27th-March 5th

Psalms 2-8
II Samuel 10-14
Mark 13-16 + Luke 1

May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reading Assignment for February 20th - 26th

Song of Solomon 5-8
Psalms 1
II Samuel 5-9
Mark 8-12

Greetings all, if you checked earlier you'll notice I assigned Isaiah 1 by mistake. It should have been Psalms 1. I have corrected and re posted, have a blessed week!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Reading Assignment for February 13th-19th

Ecclesiastes 12, Song of Solomon 1-4
I Samuel 31, II Samuel 1-4
Mark 3-7

May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reading Assignment for February 6th-12th

Ecclesiastes 5-11
I Samuel 26-30
Matthew 26-28 and Mark 1-2

May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Reading Assignment for January 30th - February 5th

Proverbs 29-31
Ecclesiastes 1-4
Matthew 21-25
I Samuel 21-25

May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reading Assignment for January 16th-29th

The following reading assignment is to cover the next two weeks as I anticipate being away from internet service next weekend. Happy reading until then!

Proverbs 15-28
Matthew 11-20
I Samuel 11-20

Your posts are welcome as always! May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reading Assignment for January 9th-15th 2011

Proverbs 8-14
Matthew 6-10
I Samuel 6-10

In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus instructs us in the principles of prayer. He says in vs. 9 "In this manner, therefore, pray..." The presupposition is that we, as His disciples, will be praying. If we are to "read and heed the word", then prayer is a vital element of our devotional life. As you read through these verses allow them to shape the manner of your conversation with the Lord.

"Our Father in heaven," presupposes a relationship with God. We can come to Him in prayer because we are His children.

"Hallowed be Your name." We are to come to the Lord in a reverently, seeking to glorify Him.

"Your kingdom come," We are to pray with an attitude of expectation. We know that His kingdom is coming and we long for the day when it will be established upon the earth.

"Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." As you pray ask the Lord to manifest His will in your own life. When we pray for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven we need to remember that we are on the earth, and the one part of the earth that we have some control over is that part of it upon which we ourselves exist! Are we willing to submit our own will to His? When we pray this prayer we need to recognize that it is a prayer of submission. Lord, Your will be done in my life, as it is in heaven, should be the flavor of this petition.

"Give us this day our daily bread." We are to recognize that the Lord is the source of all our supply. He is the one to whom we should look for sustenance and provision. He opens the doors that we are to walk through, He is the one who enables us to do the things that we need to do to provide for ourselves and our families. If we are in need, He is the answer.

"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Of all our needs, the greatest is forgiveness. Inherent in this petition however is the expression of our willingness to forgive those who have wronged us. We cannot expect God to forgive us, if we hold aught against others. Forgiving others is not always easy, but by the grace of God we can purpose in our hearts to obey the Lord in this matter.

"Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." There is and should be, an element of spiritual warfare to our prayer. We must recognize that we are in the midst of a great spiritual battle and that though Jesus has already won the victory, we still need to enter into the victory that He has won! In this petition we are asking God to give us the strength day by day to resist the temptations that we are facing and to deliver us from the snares and traps of an enemy that seeks to destroy us.

"For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." We end as we have begun, hallowing the name of the Lord. We begin in praise and we end in praise, for the Lord is worthy of the kingdom, the power and the glory, not just today, but every day!

This prayer, is a model prayer. It is not a prayer to be mindlessly recited, but meditatively contemplated. Each petition represents an aspect of our conversation with God and introduces a topic that is worthy of our attention as we commune with the one who made and loves us. May the Lord richly bless you, as your read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reading Assignment for January 2nd - 8th

Proverbs 1-7
Matthew 1-5
I Samuel 1-5

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2011 and welcome to Read and Heed The Word, the weekly Bible reading forum for Calvary Chapel Southwest Metro in Burleson, Texas. We are glad to have you with us!

It is my hope that as we read God's word together this year that you will be blessed by sharing the experience together. As we begin this second year of reading I would like to encourage you to divide the weekly assignments into manageable daily assignments. The reading assignments will continue to be broken down into three separate sections each week.

Section 1 includes Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. We will be starting in Proverbs this month and working our way back around through Psalms. There will be seven chapters a week in this section and I recommend reading one per day as part of your morning devotions and prayer time.

Section 2 is the New Testament and Section 3 the Old Testament. We will have five chapters of each starting with Matthew in the New Testament and I Samuel in the Old. These can be done all at once on one day of the week, or spread out throughout the week as best fits your schedule.

Another valuable part of this reading plan is the interaction that is available on the blog site. Each week I will try to include a devotional thought or two and invite your comments and questions. Last year we did not take full advantage of this function of the blog but I hope that this year it will prove to be a more meaningful part of the over all experience. Don't worry about trying to be profound, just be willing to share about what the Lord is revealing to you as you read His word this year, it is sure to be a blessing to us all! I'm looking forward to seeing how the Lord uses this in each of our lives as we seek to read and heed His word together!