Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reading Assignment March 1st-7th
Psalms 58-64
Mark 13-Luke 1
Genesis 41-45

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Read and Heed The Word
Monday February 22nd - Sunday February 28th
Psalms 51-57
Genesis 36-40
Mark 8-12

Taking a Journey With Joseph
Now here is a young man who went from riches, to rags, to riches. In the beginning we find Joseph the favorite son of a very wealthy man. Jacob's parents had played favorites with their children and the bad habit had been passed on to the next generation. Joseph was the golden child in his father's eyes, and his brothers were plenty jealous! To make matters worse, Joseph did not endear himself to them. He wore a coat that set him apart, and was very vocal about some amazing dreams that suggested that he would one day rule over them. Not exactly a recipe for sibling harmony!

One day, his brothers found the opportunity to do him in, but rather than kill the little guy they figured they could make a quick buck by selling their brother into slavery. The young favorite of his father would find himself in the slave trader's caravan. It wouldn't be long before he was purchased by Potiphar and through his faithful service rose to power within the household of this Egyptian officer. His favor however would be short lived as he was falsely accused and thrown into prison. Amazingly enough we never hear Joseph complain. Through it all his trust in the Lord and his faithfulness to his God never seems to waiver. Would we do as well? In time the Lord would see that Joseph was released from prison and made second in command of the nation of Egypt. His brothers had intended to do him evil, but the Lord was at work in it all!

In the trials of life, do we remain faithful? When things go wrong, do we look for the hand of God? Do we hold back our tongue from complaining and trust that the LORD is directing our path? Do we honor God in our suffering as well as in our success? If not, then we can learn from the example of Joseph! May the Lord bless you as you read his story this week!

Monday, February 15, 2010

"As Many as touched Him were made Well"
Reading Assignment For February 15th -21st
Psalms 44-50, Genesis 31-35, Mark 3-7

Our reading this week will take us at some point to Mark 6:53-56. In verse 56 we read that, "Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well." If we want to be made well spiritually, let us draw near day by day and touch the hem of His garment through reading His word!

In Romans 12:2 we are told to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds." And in chapter 9 of Mark next week we will see that same word used in verse 2 which says of Jesus, "and He was transfigured before them." This signifies a dramatic change in our way of thinking, a metamorphosis that takes us from a worldly to a heavenly perspective just as Jesus was changed from his earthly to a glorified appearance there on the mountain. When we touch the hem of His garment through our daily reading of His word may this metamorphosis begin in us!

Read and Heed the Word!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Reading Assignment for February 8th-14th

Psalms 37-43
Genesis 26-30
Matthew 26-Mark 2

May the Lord bless you richly as you read and heed His word!