Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reading Assignment for September 26th - October 2nd

Psalms 67-73
Joshua 4-8
I Timothy 1-6

I know that this gives us one more chapter in the New Testament than usual but seeing as how I Timothy has only 6 Chapters it makes sense to read it all in the same week. Hope you don't mind the extra assignment. May the Lord bless you richly as you read His Word this week!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reading Assignment for September 19th - 25th

Devotional Reading:

Old Testament:
Deuteronomy 33-34, and Joshua 1-3

New Testament:
I Thessalonians 4-5 and II Thessalonians 1-3

"A Word of Advice"
Welcome to "Read and Heed The Word!" If you are joining us for the first time, or if you have fallen behind and don't think that you can catch up within a week, then I would suggest the following strategy.

This week we are transitioning between two books, we are leaving behind both Deuteronomy and I Thessalonians and moving into Joshua and II Thessalonians. This would be a great time to jump right into the reading. I would suggest reading all of the assigned chapters from Psalms this week. One per day, starting Sunday and working your way through. As for the Old and New Testament assignments, I would recommend reading the assigned chapters from Joshua and II Thessalonians and then keeping pace, one chapter per day from each book Monday through Friday. This will allow you a few days grace to ease into the reading plan.

As for the parts that you have missed, not to worry! Reading the Bible is a life long process that should be repeated many times over. What we have already read you can get on the next time through! By joining us where we are and working forward from here you have the benefit of being able to leave your questions and comments and interacting with the others on this site, as well as the occasional devotionals that are left relating to the chapters that we are reading.

One other strategy, for those who like to do things in order, would be to go back to earlier posts from the beginning of the year and start your reading plan from the beginning! Either way, the important thing is that you start reading your Bible today, and heeding the word of God by applying it to your daily life. Feel free to leave questions or comments about the Bible on the site whether you are reading along with us or on your own! We would love to hear from you.

Blessings all!

Ken Davis

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Reading Assignment for September 12th-18th

Psalm 53 - 59
Deuteronomy 28 - 32
Colossians 3 - I Thessalonians 3

Greetings All

The last month or so for me has been pretty busy! How about for you? I for one have fallen a bit behind in my reading plan and this is the week I plan to catch up! How about you? I am right on track with the Psalms but have fallen a bit behind in the other two sections. I have high hopes of being able to correct that this week. How about you? Are you right on track, or have you fallen behind a bit. If you have, which area has bogged you down? Is there a particular section that you are really enjoying and are finding easier to read? All of these are potential topics to discuss in the comment section of our blog this week.

When we began this reading program at the beginning of the year it had a two fold purpose. The first goal was to encourage regular Bible reading with a balanced diet of Old and New Testament reading. That first goal I believe that we have accomplished. The second goal was to provide a forum for discussions, questions, and encouragement. I don't think we have achieved that goal as of yet. I want to encourage you this week not only to do the assigned reading but also to leave a comment to encourage your brothers and sisters in their efforts to read and heed the Word. I will be checking periodically this week to see how we are doing. May the Lord bless you as you read and heed His word this week!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Reading Assignment for September 5th - 11th

Psalm 46-52
Deuteronomy 23-27
Philippians 2 - Colossians 2

May the LORD bless you richly as you read His word this week!