Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reading Assignment for June 26th-July 2nd

Psalms 114-120
I Chronicles 19-23
Romans 3-7

May the Lord bless you as you read His word this week!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Reading Assignment for June 19th-25th

Psalms 107-113
I Chronicles 14-18
Acts 26-28
Romans 1-2

In Romans 1:16 Paul declares, "...I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes..." What glorious words are recorded here! Paul is not ashamed, and what is there to be ashamed of? So many these days hold the faith in contempt, and those who profess it. We have nothing to be ashamed of but our sin, and the gospel should arouse in us, not shame but glorious thanksgiving, for this gospel is the power of God revealed for the purpose of securing our salvation!

Salvation from what? Salvation from the penalty, power, and presence of sin! Death was our due, but it was paid in full upon the cross! Bondage to sin was our lot, but he whom the Son has made free is free in deed! And though we still abide with this body of death the day is coming when we will see Him, and when we see Him we will be like Him! In that day sin will be banished as we stand in His glorious presence!

To whom is this offer of Salvation made? To any and all who believe! Will you believe today? Will you be freed from the penalty, power, and presence of sin? Will you stand unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ? It is the power of God, the glorious power of God, unto salvation!